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DIY Articles
This page section will lead you into several articles about modifying your car and other related information. I will be continually
posting new posting new articles as I get ideas to write about so keep in touch. Also if you have any ideas for articles you want
done or if you want to write one yourself. I can post it on here giving the author credit.
Just send me an e-mail at Webmaster@Dinzdale40.net. I hope to make this a good library of articles specializing
in 6thgen Accord modifications.
Click here for information about about modding your car in general and how to get started.
If you don't know where to start read this first ummmk?
Modding 101
For information about lowering your car the next articles briefly covers
the decisions you will face when ordering springs, shocks, and other things
to get your ride the height where you want it with the ride that you want.
Suspension 101
Do you have an HID kit or retrofit on your car? Here is a way to make
your own plug in harness that will bypass stock headlight wires so that you can.
HID Wiring Harness Article